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    Chakras, Crystals and Gems




Because I live and work with colour, believing they influence our lives, I would like to share their meanings and uses with you.








Violet:  Sahasrara. 7 Crown. Top of the head. ‘To know’. Self knowledge.
Calming for body and mind. Good for meditation and prayer. Enhances purpose and dignity. Heightens our awareness and helps us to give of our very best. Purifying.

Indigo: Ajna. 6 Third Eye. Above/between eyebrows. ‘To see’. Intuition. Self-reflection.
Non material. No fear. Charismatic. Total vision. Master of one self. Telepathy. Sedative. Helps to open up our intuition. The colour of divine knowledge and the higher mind

Blue: Vishuddha.  5 Throat. Centre base of the neck. ‘To speak’. Self- expression.
Calming, relaxing and healing. Not as sedating as indigo. Also the colour of communication. Good speaker. Artistic. Centred. Lives in the now. Easily experiences divine energy.

Green: Anahata. 4 Heart. Centre of the chest. ‘To love’. Self-acceptance.
Balancing, harmonizing and encourages tolerance and understanding. Unconditional love. Emotionally balanced. Empathetic, compassionate.

Yellow: Stimulates mental activity, feeling of confidence. Helpful for study as it helps us to stay alert.

Orange: Warming and energizing. Can stimulate creativity. Orange is the colour of fun and sociability.

Red: Energizing, exciting the emotions, stimulates the appetite.

Magenta: is the eighth colour in the colour spectrum and is a combination of red and violet, thus it combines our earthly self and spiritual self, thus balancing spirit and matter. It is uplifting and helps us to gain a feeling of completeness and fulfilment.

Turquoise: Cool and calming and good for the nervous system and immune system.

Pink: This colour soothes and nurtures. It helps to dissolve anger and encourages unconditional love.


Black and White: Used with other colour it enhances the energy of that second colour. Black gives us the space for reflection and inner searching. White is pure light and love.


Areas of use.


Violet: Alchemist. No fear of death. Miracle worker. Open to the Divine. Places of worship, entry areas to clinics and hospitals, festival areas. Pale violet in bedrooms.


Indigo: Not suitable for areas for entertainment but for more ‘quiet’ places. Bedrooms, treatment rooms.

Blue: Any rooms except those used for physical activity or play.

Green: Depending upon the shade, can be used for most areas. Use with other colours as well to avoid the balance and harmony becoming more like total inactivity and indecision.

Yellow: Activity rooms, entrance halls. Not for bedrooms as can interfere with sleep – it tends to keep our minds “switched on”. Not ideal for areas of possible stress.

Orange: Any activity area and creative areas. Not ideal for bedrooms or areas of possible stress.

Red: Any activity area. Needs careful choice of tone and depth and the space in which it is to be used. Can make a space look smaller and be claustrophobic. Used well, however, red can make a space feel warm and cosy. Often used in restaurants.

Magenta: Lecture spaces, chapels, halls etc. Not ideal for playrooms or activity rooms.

Turquoise: Any room except it is not ideal for activity areas.

Pink: Ideal for a baby’s or child’s bedroom.

Black: Not ideal as a single colour, but when used with care, can enhance and complement other colours in almost any situation.

White: Any room, but it can be a little intimidating to some. Needs to be broken up with another colour or with plants/ornaments/pictures etc.


Gemstones used to balance chakras.


Violet: Clear Quartz, Apophilite, Selenite, Amethyst.

Indigo: Amethyst, Flourite, Sugilite, Charoite.

Blue: Sodalite, Lapis, Azurite, Blue Lace Agat, Kunzite.

Green: Watermelon, Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite.

Yellow: Citrine, Golden Calcite, Golden Topaz.

Orange: Carnelian, Rutilated Quartz, Amber, Citrine.

Red: Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, Garnet, Ruby, Bloodstone.


Have fun with colour. You can heal, uplift and energize with it, mind, body, spirit and soul.  Jen xxx




















All these Crystal and Gem products, and many more are available for sale at ~

Deborah -

  Ph: +61401175077


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Assorted Pendulums - $20 AU

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Assorted Crystals and Gems

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Chakra 32 piece Gridding Set - $45 AU

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Starter Set for Children- $20 AU

Gift Tin Pack - $30 AU

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I am based in Brisbane
Queensland Australia
Contact me by email


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