Through the week I received a personal email from a lady who wished to start doing Tarot readings for a living. She asked me for any advice I could give her about how to start.
After a few emails going backwards and forwards the lady realized she was not ready to start. First of all, she had had no training at all. No development classes or guidance from a teacher who works from the heart and who, she or he has been through training as well. Secondly, when I asked her if she had been practicing on family and friends for confidence building and confirmation, her answer was no.
I asked her if she was in great health, or in a good place in her life? The answer was no, she was broken, were her words. When I asked what her intention was, she didn’t know, or think about it. She didn’t know about protection, clearing, or connecting with her clairvoyance guide.
When I first started doing readings, I spent many years in ‘training’ before I ventured out to work professionally. Remember you are working with people’s emotions. They are venerable when they come to you, looking for answers. It is a responsible position you are in when working in this field.
You can’t fake it until you make it when you are charging clients for your guidance. Before you take the next step from having fun with your cards, I would suggest you spend time being trained in the correct way first.Also make sure you are energy filled. With that, I mean you have enough energy without giving it away. If you do give it away, you will find yourself very quickly becoming burnt out or very unwell.I make sure I spend time each day meditating, working through my chakras and cleansing my energy field.
Working with the cards is different than being a medium. A medium taps in to spirit. A psychic taps into the energy field of the client. Make sure your energy field is clear and clean, so you can become a clear channel to receive the best possible guidance you can to pass over. There are many, many psychics out there now, sadly not all are coming from the right place or from a professional state. You do not want to be one of those.
To be the very best psychic you possibly can be, please take some time to make sure you are taught by someone who is recommended to you. Make sure your own healing is done. Make sure your energy field is clean and pure, you don’t want to be drawing from your own negativity, instead of the energy from your client.I pray these few tips have assisted you somewhat.
By all means have fun with your cards. Let them speak to you. Let them assist you with any questions you may need guidance about, however, remember, you, in fact have all the guidance you need, and that is within your own heart.
From my heart to yours in love, Jen xxx
